About Me
Get to Know Loz
Hey all, I'm Loz, a coach at OVERLAP Consistent Running Coaching
Growing up in the Northern Territory, I developed a love for the bush and the outdoors which has carried through into my running world where I’ve fallen in love with running the trails here in South-east Queensland.
I began running ‘properly’ around 2020 to help me get through some trying times and meet new people that I could potentially run with.
OVERLAP head coach Zaccy started coaching me in 2021 and since then I’ve collected numerous bibs from different trail running events ranging from short course and long course series events, to trail half marathons, and last year I completed my first trail ultra-marathon (2022). I never in a million years thought I’d ever do that! I had just hoped that one day I might be able to run 10kms! But then, like most, I caught the running bug and didn’t look back!
I love helping people and watching them develop – both in their personal and professional worlds. I have years of experience as a Physical Skills Training Instructor, training and mentoring officers through their operational safety training, within the Emergency Services environment. And now I’m combining my workplace coaching and mentoring skills with my love of running to help other recreational runners develop their own passion for running and reach their goals.
Because, as it did for me, running – whether it be on the trails, hitting the pavement around the ‘burbs, or out on the beach – will change your life!
If you think we would work well together, hit the button below. I look forward to hearing from you.